Fired Up About Marketing

>> Saturday, April 17, 2010

Seriously, it happened. I was making a list of prospective agents for the querying. For some reason, as I happened across a particular agent, I got a good feeling about it. So, I bumped her up the list for no particular reason.

Then, as I'm gearing myself up for all the agent-specific research needed to tailor each query and/or submission, I'm still wandering about the blogosphere and I happen across an agent's blog I hadn't seen before that I really like. Quel surprise, it's that self-same agent. I bump her up to the second spot on my list and start to feel excited about it.

So, this morning, I jump in so I can read up on submission requirements and what-not and notice, on her blog, her mentioning one of her clients books is coming out. Holy snickers bars! She represents Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (they write as a team)! I love those guys! I love their books! They have all the elements we strive for in our writing!

Now I have to get my query ship shape because I desperately - desperately - want to impress this agent. Wish me luck!


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