
>> Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My husband and I write. Fiction.

Fantasy and science fiction, to be exact, often combining the two.

For those of you who knew me from Rocket Scientist or Ask Me Anything, that's not likely a surprise. Thing is, writing is only part of the battle, part of the job. Sure, I have a day job, but, if I want my (our) writing to ever be more than a way to fill time, if I want to reach people with it, I'm going to have to market it.

That's where this blog comes in. Oh, sure, it's not polished just yet and, of course, there are few posts. OK, none. But I figure this is the best place to talk about writing (which I have a habit of doing on Rocket Scientist) to talk about what I still want to accomplish, to let you know when I actually accomplish something.

Both Lee and I are on here, because we write novels together. However, when it comes to technical papers and marketing and short stories and anything but the novels themselves, it will likely be me. I'll likely transplant a few posts from Rocket Scientist here to get the ball rolling. Look for that over then next few days.

In the meantime, I'll be honing my craft and figuring what steps come next. After all, it's what I do.


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