Science Fiction and Fantasy Author and Artist Faire
>> Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Okay, folks, especially if you're an artist or an author, but even if
you're not, this isn't your general run-of-the-mill release party or
author takeover. This is an opportunity to interact with people who
write and draw and paint and digitize and create. Learn how to do it,
find out what makes them tick, talk about what you love in stories, what
you hate, what you want to see more of, find out where to find some of
the great stuff that's out there.
All week long. If you're
an author/artist, sign up. If you're a reader or just want to know more
about what makes us tick and how we build worlds or show them on
screen, this is your chance to do just that. Will I be there? You bet,
with bells on, and there will be other great people there, so stop in
when you can, catch up if you miss something, have a damn good time, all
from the comfort of your own home.
Check. It. Out
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