Rite to Reign Scavenger Hunt #ritetoreign
>> Saturday, October 20, 2018

Well, we're doing all kinds of things to drum up interest and one of them is a scavenger hunt and, HEY, I'm part of it.
Lots of people are signing up for newsletters or contacting this and that, but I'm old fashioned. I like having you look for answers to questions. What will you win, you ask? Why this, which is, once more, proof that I can't even be trusted with a phone camera. But it looks way cooler in reality. Limited to the US, I'm afraid.
So, how do you win this cat magical trinket? I'm glad you asked. I'm going to give you a number of questions and links where you can find the answer. Please send them to stephanieebarr@gmail.com and I will tally them there. I will NOT be adding you to any lists or anything, and will delete all those emails after the hunt is over.
1. What does Henry's key open? (Check out the pinned post on my FB Author page Dragon Faerie Creative Enterprises. You don't have to like/follow but you're welcome to).
2. When Henry and David lost their car, what transportation did Henry manage to conjure? (Check out the pinned post on my other FB Author Page, Snarky Barr Quartet)
3. Amazon will only let me give one book away (the other "freebies are 99 cents) - what book is it? (Amazon author page)
4. What is Iris' Sweetwater's Contribution to the October Rite to Reign Book Fair?
5. Yesterday, what prize did Tanya Dawson offer for her scavenger hunt?
6. Among the free gifts with preorder of Rite to Reign, you get 15 extra books and what?
Those are the scavenger questions, but there are so many more places to explore. See below!
By the way, while I have you on here, tomorrow at 5 central, I and several other authors from the Rite to Reign bookset will be talking on Katara's Cafe. Sounds like a great reason to listen in.
Don't forget to check out tomorrow's scavenger hunt and, hey, if you want to see them all (since they'll run all month so you can still get them), look at the Scavenger Hunt map.
While you're at it, check out the Rite to Reign Party room on facebook.
While you're at it, if you have a blog, why not sign up for the Rite to Reign Book tour and Giveaway?
Or enter one of the giveaways for $100 dollar gift cards just in time for the holidays
Amazon giftcard
Barnes and Noble
Or, hey, why not preorder Rite to Reign on your favorite ebook retailer? Just 99 cents for so much wicked witchy goodness.